Serghei Stanisev, presedinte al Partidului Socialistilor Europeni (PES) a anuntat miercuri, 10 aprilie, printr-un comunicat postat pe pagina oficiala a partidului, ca PES considera inghetate relatiile cu PSD pana atunci cand partidul din Romania isi clarifica angajamentul fata de statul de drept si decide sa urmeze recomandarile transmise de Comisia Europeana.
In plus, Stanisev adauga ca in luna iunie, cu ocazia urmatoarei intalniri a conduceri PES, va fi pusa in discutie si apartenta PSD la familia socialistilor europeni.
Masurile anuntate de PES vin si in contextul supendarii partidului maghiar FIDESZ din Partidul Popular European.
Iata mai jos extrasul original referitor la PSD din comunicatul PES:
„During the meeting PES President Sergei Stanishev restated the PES’s continued concerns about the rule of law in Romania. He informed the prime ministers, commissioners and party leaders that until the Romanian Government clarified its commitment to the rule of law and followed the European Commission’s recommendations, the PES leadership will consider relations with the PSD frozen, pending a formal discussion at the next PES Presidency meeting in June, where PSD Romania’s membership of the PES will be discussed. He concluded by saying that no PES events will be organised with the PSD until this time.”
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